Moon Marauders

Moon Marauders #46


It’s ovar!

August 15, 2013

This is the last strip. I’m sorry for the lack of an ending, but I don’t have the interest to continue.

I’ve been really surprised with the amount of support I’ve gotten during its limited run–I hadn’t counted on a readership of more than two people, yet it seemed that I was hearing from many people about how much they enjoyed it. It was an unexpected boost to a project that started as a personal experiment, so thank you for that.

I don’t plan to disappear forever. I hope to start up (and finish?) better projects in the future.

See ya.

-posted by anna | Leave a Comment


New strips coming soon

May 10, 2013


I know it has been quiet around here for a while. I was compelled to take a hiatus for personal reasons, however I am picking things back up again. The comic will resume next Sunday, May 12, with new strips every week, as originally planned.

Hope to see you then, and thanks for reading!

-posted by anna | Leave a Comment


End to hiatus!

October 28, 2012

Hello there!

I am picking up the strip again; however, updates may be sporadic for a while. For now, I am aiming to post a new strip at least once every two weeks.

Thanks for reading!

-posted by anna | Leave a Comment


August 26, 2012

Just a reminder that I am taking a short hiatus from this strip. I hope to start it up again sometime next month or so, so please check back for updates!

Thanks for reading!

-posted by anna | Leave a Comment


August 12, 2012

Hello everybody, thanks for reading up to strip #30! I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the people who have shown support. I hope I can make it at least 30 more strips.

Next week, I am taking another break in order to prepare for art school. The week after that should be the beginning of a few guest strips. After that, regular strips will continue on a more relaxed schedule–one new strip every two weeks–at least until I settle into routine at school and stuff.


-posted by anna | Leave a Comment
